Alex, musical alchemist
Alex, musical alchemist
Mar 13, 2024

How to choose a musical instrument and not be discouraged by the outcome

Over the course of their lives, many people find it necessary to master new skills and improve existing ones. Music is an integral part of our life and surrounds us everywhere. It decorates our everyday life and always makes it brighter. Therefore, many music lovers go through the process of selecting an instrument to learn. Well, before you choose the direction of your musical path, try the ear training for beginners to be ready to write your own music or just to make your learning path much easier. But how to choose a musical instrument to play?

The methodology: how to choose a musical instrument to play

If you already know the music theory for beginners, you know that it is common for everyone. There are some very important points about how to choose a musical instrument to learn, and before making the decision, ask yourself some questions. They are always different depending on the person who sets them, but some of them are common for everyone.

1. Which genre of music is closer to you?

Before choosing a musical instrument, let’s decide on a musical direction. Cause there is no sense in learning to play drums when you are a fan of Bluse, right?

Make a brainstorm and determine the genre and direction in which you would like to grow. Search the web for information and divide the tools by these genres. This will narrow down the search area.

To know what instrument is best for you, follow the questions below.

2. Would you like to sing and play simultaneously?

If you have any questions like “How to choose a musical instrument if I want not only to play but accompany myself,” you should exclude all wind ones for physiological reasons. If so, the best instrument for you is generally considered to be the guitar or piano. The drums don’t fit because they’ll muffle your voice, and the tune of the scrabble, cello, or contrabass doesn’t go well with the solo vocals.

Start your music journey today

3. Do you want to play solo or in a band?

Well, not a few important factors in the choice of a musical instrument are whether it is possible to play it independently and whether it will sound organic. Some of them are not played solo: triangles, plates, some other percussion, and so on. So this question is also essential when choosing which instrument you would like to learn.

4. What physical restrictions do you have?

Don’t try playing an upright bass instead of trying to raise something heavy. If you have trouble breathing, give the saxophone some second thought. Elbow trick? No, the trombone is not that simple. Undoubtedly, you can overcome almost anything if you have the drive to perform a physically demanding sport, but be prepared for some difficulty.

5. How to pick an instrument to play depends on the age.

How do you choose the best musical instrument for children? And does it matter at all? Of course, you can not pick any big ones for young children. Their hands are too tiny, and their physical capabilities are limited. Also, your kids will not ask themselves how to motivate yourself to play piano in the future if you choose the right one at the start. Here are some statistics:

  • For children (pre-school years), piano, violin, cello, and guitar are more common.
  • For children (school years), it’s also a good time to start playing guitar, drum set, or other from the school musical program.
  • For adults and seniors, it is never too late to start mastering musical skills. Due to the availability of more free time, it is possible to experiment with tools and combine them.

Choosing a musical instrument: what's next?

It seems the choice has finally been made, and it is possible to begin to improve spiritually. But, starting to search for more info about the option you have picked, your decision on which instrument to play could be changed. The prices of the tutor’s classes or prices for the option as a whole. Then you recollect that your flat is not so spacious for handling the piano or drums.

Here, you can be saved with modern technology, or rather, free applications for studying music, such as the wonderful and multifaceted application Talented.

Talented includes all possible features that may assist you with one or another aspect of musical mastering. In addition, it is free to download on all possible platforms.

Stay focused on improving musical knowledge. The rest will be taken care of by Talented!

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