Alex, musical alchemist
Alex, musical alchemist
Jan 23, 2024

How to motivate a child to learn music and make it their lovely hobby

Any parent wants their children to be well-educated and intelligent. This does not include only general school or university education. The base of additional education for the child should be their hobby, which is pretty often can be playing musical instruments. But how to motivate a child to learn music so that they remain interested in it and adore it? Well, here you can be helped by modern technologies.

How to motivate your kid to practice music - tips

Nowadays, it is much easier to master new skills and learn new things. Now, you do not need to look for a qualified teacher, spend a few hours on the road, or share the teacher’s attention with other students. Now, it is enough to find a well-thought-out app and, without leaving the house, to help the child plunge into the world of music. There are some tips to help you.

The best motivation for children to learn music

Fiesta wall, you should know which instrument your kid wants to master. Whether you are wondering how to choose a musical instrument, read our recent article first. It is much easier to motivate children to learn music if you know their preferences.

Start your music journey today

Make it a common hobby

Demonstrate to the child in your example how cool and fun it is to do music. Make it a hobby together. This way, you will not only find motivation for children to learn music but also improve the emotional connection with your child.

Interactive classes

In the world of technology, there are many fun, interactive lessons a la games motivating your kid to practice music.

Show your kid some music learning applications like Talented, where mastering the music skills acts like a game.

Support and encourage

Wondering how to motivate your kid to practice music, you should understand that your kid requires your support in any new beginnings.

Potential problems

Just in case, we must warn you that not everything can be as smooth as it seems. Children have unstable psychics, and they change their minds often.

There are some examples of problems you might face with:

  • Lack of time: you may encounter difficulties in organizing time for regular practices and activities
  • Financial costs: music training may require additional financial costs for instruments, lessons, notes, and other materials
  • Difficulties in finding a qualified teacher: finding a good teacher who can effectively educate the child and maintain his interest can be a challenge
  • Comparison with other children: don’t compare your children with others, which may create additional pressure
  • Lack of understanding of the importance of music education: you may encounter misunderstandings about the importance of musical education from around you, which may reduce your own motivation to support your children.


The use of mobile music learning applications will help to solve the problems of motivating children to learn music, which we've written above.

With Talented, it’s easy to save money. Lessons do not take much time and do not tire the child. Individual classes avoid comparisons with other children, and there is no need to look for a teacher.

With Talented, you will improve your and your relative's musical skills and dive into the music together. Easy and entertaining lessons help your family motivate children to learn music and master a new hobby.

Stay focused on improving musical knowledge. Talented will take care of the rest!

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